Your Vitamins Might Be Failing You

The truth is, your body might not be absorbing those nutrients properly

We Help You Understand Your Body's Story.

Unlock Your Wellness Blueprint For a Better Performance ..

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Are your vitamins working for you?

Vivoo urine test reveals the truth. Discover if your body is truly utilizing the supplements you're taking, and identify any hidden deficiencies impacting your energy, focus, and overall well-being. You can check your body’s wellness based on 9 parameters in 90 seconds, and get actionable advice.





Vitamin C



Oxidative Stress






Vitamin C



Oxidative Stress


Trusted by 200,000 +

Real-time body data for personalized wellness advice.

Used in 100 + different countries

Test 9 wellness parameters.

Track your progress and receive actionable insights.

Trusted by 200,000 +

Real-time body data for personalized wellness advice.

Used in 100 + different countries

Test 9 wellness parameters.

Track your progress and receive actionable insights.

Here's how vivoo works

Urinate On The Strip

Wait For 90 Seconds

Scan The Strip

Receive Your Advice & Scores





Here's how vivoo works

Urinate On The Strip

Wait For 90 Seconds

Scan The Strip

Receive Your Advice & Scores





Make informed choices for a supplement routine that truly supports your goals

Tired of Feeling Tired?

2 min read

Look, I’m not going to sugarcoat it. Sometimes adulting feels like running a never-ending marathon, even when I’m doing all the “right” things — eating healthy-ish, squeezing in workouts, even remembering my vitamins most of the time...

This product is not intended for use in diagnosing diseases or other conditions; determining or monitoring the state of health; or curing, mitigating, treating, or preventing any diseases.

  1. Vivoo Specific Gravity/Water measurements are not intended for medical use, including self-diagnosis or consultation with a doctor, and are only designed for general fitness and wellness purposes.

  2. Vivoo Magnesium measurements are not intended for medical use, including self-diagnosis or consultation with a doctor, and are only designed for general fitness and wellness purposes.

  3. Vivoo Calcium measurements are not intended for medical use, including self-diagnosis or consultation with a doctor, and are only designed for general fitness and wellness purposes.

  4. Vivoo Vitamin-C measurements are not intended for medical use, including self-diagnosis or consultation with a doctor, and are only designed for general fitness and wellness purposes.

  5. Vivoo ketone levels can only be used for self tracking purposes, it can't be used for diagnosis of any disease or condition including diabetes, asidosis. Ketone measurements are not intended for medical use, including self-diagnosis or consultation with a doctor, and are only designed for general fitness and wellness purposes.

  6. Vivoo pH measurements are not intended for medical use, including self-diagnosis or consultation with a doctor, and are only designed for general fitness and wellness purposes.

  7. Vivoo Sodium measurements are not intended for medical use, including self-diagnosis or consultation with a doctor, and are only designed for general fitness and wellness purposes.

  8. Vivoo Oxidative Stress measurements are not intended for medical use, including self-diagnosis or consultation with a doctor, and are only designed for general fitness and wellness purposes.

  9. Vivoo Protein measurements are not intended for medical use, including self-diagnosis or consultation with a doctor, and are only designed for general fitness and wellness purposes. It is not intended for use by people who have been previously diagnosed with any kidney-related diseases.